New York, 1970s. Janet Sproule lives in an  affluent neighbourhood and comes from old family money. Her privileged life is suddenly turned upside down when her sister is kidnapped and held for ransom by a group of  terrorists. Her parents’ reaction to the crisis causes Janet to question everything she has always taken for granted.

While she has a rich family life, a handsome, ambitious husband and two great kids, she is haunted by the feeling that something is missing.

Then, little by little, secrets come to light. In denial about her husband’s infidelity and even about her father’s questionable business practices. Janet is awakened into the reality of her situation by a new force in her life: Mimi Girard.

An old friend who shows up out of the blue, Mimi symbolises freedom, integrity and an alternative lifestyle that Janet comes to realise may be what is missing. As Janet begins to shake off the crushing self-deprecation that has held her back from her own potential, a whole new world opens up to her.

Family Money (paperback & ebook):

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A stunning and highly-charged novel set in New York at the end of the 1960s. Its depiction of a young woman at a crossroads in her life in a time of massive social and cultural change is both subtle and ground-breaking.


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Joan's five books are now in print and broadly available online

Bailey Video

Watch a staged reading from Bailey here


Joan in her own words here